Arkansas Project
Breeding and Migration Ecology and Distribution and Abundance of Arkansas King Rails
October 2021 - December 2024
Participating Agencies
- Arkansas Game & Fish Commission
The King Rail (Rallus elegans) is an emergent wetland species of high conservation concern in Arkansas and across North America due to significant population declines over the past several decades. The cause of that decline is not well understood but is thought to be caused in part by the loss of large contiguous emergent wetland habitat they rely on for breeding. In Arkansas, King Rail abundance and distribution are unknown, and the one site on public land in the Arkansas Delta that hosts multiple pairs, the Freddie Black Choctaw West WMA (hereafter Choctaw West WMA), also represents a dramatic wetland restoration success that is critical to learn from. Here, we propose to use the Choctaw West WMA as a focal site to 1) evaluate King Rail breeding site fidelity, 2) evaluate King Rail breeding locations, and 3) compare King Rail habitat and abundance to other sites across the Arkansas Delta. We will capture and mark with transmitters spring migrating and breeding King Rails at Choctaw West WMA to evaluate the habitat use of individual birds at Choctaw West WMA as well as the connectivity of the site with the rest of the annual cycle (farther north breeding areas, and southern wintering areas). We will also conduct marsh bird surveys within the Choctaw West WMA and across the Arkansas Delta to quantify King Rail distribution and abundance and compare regional habitat and landscape attributes to Choctaw West WMA attributes. This work will provide AGFC with critical knowledge of King Rail population dynamics, how Choctaw West WMA may function as a source for other sites, breeding habitat needs at local, landscape, and regional scales, and wetland restoration outcomes.
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Schmit, Jessica, Fournier, Auriel M.V., Roberts, Caleb P., Rowe, Karen. Understanding Migration Ecology and Strategies of Arkansas King Rails. 2023. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting. Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA. |
October 2023 |
Schmit JM, Fournier AMV, Roberts CP, Rowe K. 2024. Breeding and Migration Ecology of Arkansas King Rails. Arkansas Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Mount Magazine State Park, AR. |
March 2024 |
Schmit J, Fournier AMV, Roberts CP, Rowe K. 2024. Factors Influencing Nest Site Selection in Arkansas King Rails on Different Spatial Scales. International Association of Landscape Ecology-North America annual conference. Oklahoma City, OK, USA. |
April 2024 |
Schmit J, Fournier AMV, Roberts CP, Rowe K. 2024. Breeding and Migration Ecology of Arkansas King Rails. Wilson Ornithological Society Annual Conference. Peoria, IL. | July 2024 |