Kansas Project
. Greater prairie-chicken response to natural and anthropogenic disturbance on Fort Riley
January 2019 - December 2020
Participating Agencies
- Department of Defense
Greater prairie-chickens are sensitive to disturbances on the landscape. However, effects of military activities on greater prairie-chicken demography and space use are unknown. Determining if military activities and other stochastic disturbances affect greater prairie-chickens is important for developing conservation and mitigation strategies. Given that Fort Riley supports a stable population of greater prairie-chickens, assessing space use and movements of that population may assist in management of other, declining populations.This research is a collaborative effort among the Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and Fort Riley, Department of Defense. Greater prairie-chickens appear to adjust their movements and space use in response to military activity. Further, the population supported by Fort Riley is isolated and does not appear to be connected to other populations.
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Gerht, J.A., D. Moon, and D.A. Haukos. 2020. Effects of management strategies and military activity on greater prairie-chicken ecology on Fort Riley Military Reservation. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Louisville, Kentucky. | September 2020 |
Gehrt, J.M., S. Stratton, and D.A. Haukos. 2019. Demographic responses of greater prairie-chickens to fire, haying, and military activity on Fort Riley Military Reservation in Riley, Kansas. Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Manhattan, Kansas. | January 2020 |