Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Washington
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Washington Project

Long-term seabird monitoring data analysis to update Channel Islands National Park seabird inventory and monitoring program and Inform management and conservation

January 2020 - June 2024


Participating Agencies

  • Channel Islands Seabird Inventory & Monitoring Program
  • Inventory and Monitoring Program

Established in 1980, Channel Islands National Park contains essential breeding grounds for at least fourteen seabirds and shorebirds. Seabirds were identified as one of the park’s monitoring Vital Signs to provide critical information about trends in natural resource conditions and a Seabird Monitoring Handbook was created in 1983 to guide priorities and objectives for the Seabird Monitoring Program. This handbook was updated in 1988. Since then, staff turnover and funding gaps have led to an inconsistent effort in monitoring by the park. More recently, the Channel Islands National Park Seabird Biologist, in coordination with the National Park Service's Mediterranean Coast Network Inventory & Monitoring Program, has identified the need to conduct a scientific review of the park’s seabird program. Furthermore, a recent monitoring plan assessment report by Point Blue Conservation Science identified seven focal seabird species plus one shorebird species to be prioritized in an updated monitoring program. The purpose of the project proposed here is to advance Channel Islands National Park's Seabird Monitoring Program by compiling all known digitally available datasets for the eight prioritized species and conducting species-specific in-depth program reviews following NPS guidelines and in coordination with Channel Islands National Park and the National Park Service's Inventory & Monitoring Program.

Presentations Presentation Date
Parker, M, J Howard, D Mazurkiewicz, P Sharpe, W McIver, AJ DuVall, and A Little*. 2023. Common raven impacts on ashy storm-petrels within Channel Islands National Park. California Islands Symposium, Ventura, California, USA; 6-10 November 2023. November 2023
DuVall AJ, J Adams, DM Mazurkiewicz, CA Carter, and SJ Converse. 2024. Differential response of nest survival to oceanographic conditions indicates localized adaptations for Cassin's Auklet (Pytochoramphus aleuticus) at the California Channel Islands. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA; 20-23 February 2024. February 2024
DuVall AJ, J Adams, DM Mazurkiewicz, CA Carter, and SJ Converse. 2023. Oceanographic drivers of nest survival for Cassin's Auklet at the California Channel Islands. California Islands Symposium, Ventura, California, USA; 6-10 November 2023. November 2023
DuVall AJ, DM Mazurkiewicz, and SJ Converse. 2024. A framework for identifying threats and prioritizing monitoring and management to conserve seabirds in the face of uncertainty. The Wildlife Society’s 31st Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 19-23 October 2024. October 2024
DuVall AJ, DM Mazurkiewicz, and SJ Converse. 2024. A framework for identifying threats and prioritizing monitoring and management to conserve seabirds in the face of uncertainty. 7th International Albatross and Petrel Conference, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico; 20-26 May 2024. May 2024
DuVall AJ, D Mazurkiewicz, J Adams, YB Guzman, RW Bradley, CA Carter, K Convery, AJ Dennhardt, ND Holmes, JA Howard, ME Johns, A Little, SD Ostermann-Kelm, MW Parker, D Pereksta, D Robinette, MD Romano, TS Sillett, and SJ Converse. 2025. A framework for identifying threats and prioritizing monitoring and management to conserve seabirds in the face of uncertainty. Joint Meeting of the Waterbird Society and the Pacific Seabird Group, San Jose, Costa Rica, 6-9 January 2025. January 2025