Vermont Project
Identifying Important Stopover Locations for Migrating Birds
January 1999 - January 2003
Participating Agencies
- The Nature Conservancy
- U.S. Geological Survey

During migration, landbirds often concentrate near geographical barriers and along river valleys. However, the relative importance of various areas and habitat types to migratory landbirds remains unknown. Identifying migration stopover concentration areas is the fist step toward integrating migration habitat priorities into avian conservation plans. A new remote sensing technology, NEXRAD WSR88-D radar, allows us to identify stopover concentration areas and rank the relative importance of various areas.
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Bonter, D. N., T. M. Donovan, and E. W. Brooks. 2007. Daily changes in energetic condition in landbirds during migration stopover on the south shore of Lake Ontario. Auk 124:122-133 | Abstract | Download | January 2007 |
Bonter, D. N., T. M. Donovan, E. Brooks. 2008. What are we missing with ground-level mist nets? Using elevated nets at a migration stopover site. Journal of Field Ornithology 79:314-320. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | September 2008 |
Bonter, D. N., S. A. Gauthreaux, Jr., and T. M. Donovan. 2009. Characteristics of important stopover locations for migrating birds: Remote sensing with radar in the Great Lakes Basin. Conservation Biology 23:440-448. | Abstract | Download | April 2009 |