Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: South Carolina
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

South Carolina Project

Response of Bachman's Sparrow to habitat management

August 2019 - December 2021


Participating Agencies

  • SC DNR

We are conducting research to determine how Bachman's Sparrow respond to habitat management such as fire and thinning in a wiregrass-free ecosystem.

Presentations Presentation Date
Thistle, M.R., Dozier, J., McAlister, M.A., and B.E. Ross. 2020. Habitat selection and breeding ecology of Bachman’s Sparrow in a wiregrass-free ecosystem. The Wildlife Society Conference, Louisville, Kentucky. Poster September 2020
Thistle, M.R., Dozier, J., McAlister, M.A., and B.E. Ross. 2020. Habitat selection and breeding ecology of Bachman’s Sparrow in a wiregrass-free ecosystem. North American Ornithological Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. August 2020