Arkansas Project
Body Condition Index of Overwintering Mallards in Arkansas
August 2019 - May 2022
Participating Agencies
- Ducks Unlimited
- Harry and Jo Leggett Fellowship
- Arkansas Game and Fish Commission

Many waterfowl species spend the winter in the southern United States before migrating north to breeding grounds in the spring. During the harsh winter, these birds must maintain or gain weight in order to successfully attain mates, migrate north, and immediately initiate reproduction. Body mass should directly be linked to food availability and environmental conditions. Working with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and Ducks Unlimited, graduate student John Veon, former unit leader David Krementz and I are using newly collected data in conjunction with historic data from the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s to examine how mallard body mass varies across time. We will then examine how fine scale environmental variables (precipitation and temperature) influence body mass. Finally, we will relate body mass of hunter collected ducks with the surrounding land management practices to examine how waterfowl management practices are effecting waterfowl body mass and health. These results should be directly applicable to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission's management efforts to increase food availability for this economically important species.
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Veon, J.T., D.G. Krementz, L.W. Naylor, B.A. DeGregorio. 2023. Effects of landscape composition on winter mallard (Anas platyrhnchos) body condition in Eastern Arkansas. Journal of Wildlife Management | Abstract | Download | November 2023 |
Veon, J.T., B.A. DeGregorio, L.W. Naylor, K.J. Reinecke, B.C. Dabbert, D.W. Demarest, K.M. Hartke, and D.G. Krementz. 2023. Body mass dynamics in wintering mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) in the lower mississippi alluvial valley. Global Ecology and Conservation 41: e02368 | Download | January 2023 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Veon, J.V., B.A. DeGregorio, L.W. Naylor, K.J. Reinecke, B.C. Dabbert, D.W. Damarest, K.M. Hartke, and D.G. Krementz. Body Mass Dynamics in Wintering Waterfowl in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. North American Duck Symposium. | February 2023 |
Veon, J., B.A. DeGregorio, D.G. Krementz, and L. Naylor. 2021. Trends in Mallard Body Mass in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley 1979-2021. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. | November 2021 |
Veon, J. and B.A. DeGregorio. Habitat management for overwintering mallards: is it effective? | March 2020 |
Theses and Dissertations | Publication Date |
McClain, J. C. 2017. Effects of northern bobwhite habitat management on raccoon abundance, habitat use, and home range in Southwest Missouri. Thesis. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. | August 2017 |
John Veon. 2021. Body mass and body condition variation of mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) within and among winters within the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Master's Thesis | December 2021 |
Type | Citation | Publication Date |
Data Release | Veon, John T. et al. (2024). Morphometrics of mallards in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley and associated climate variables from 1979-2021 [Dataset]. Dryad. | July 2024 |