Nebraska Project
Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Prevention Program
July 2009 - December 2022
Participating Agencies
- Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Agency
- U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, Aquatic Nuisance Species Taskforce
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The Nebraska Invasive Species Program has facilitated development and implementation of a Nebraska Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Program. Goals are to:
1. decrease the risk of introductions of aquatic invasive species in Nebraska through a watercraft inspection and decontamination program;
2. increase public awareness of aquatic invasive species through an integrated outreach and education program; and
3. increase local and regional collaborations for prevention and management of aquatic invasive species through directed and coordinated communications.
Boater surveys, watercraft inspections and outreach activities have been conducted since 2011 to increase public awareness of aquatic invasive species and promote prevention actions among watercraft users. In addition, the Coordinator served on regional aquatic invasive species panels to coordinate prevention and management efforts across state lines, delivered webinars to various audiences, provided over 15,000 outreach materials to partners, and collected water samples to assistance the U.S. Geological Survey eDNA pilot study on zebra mussel detection. Advertisements were ran in Nebraska Game and Parks Commission’s guides and other printed publications, and on two billboards. Two (one stationary at Lewis and Clark Lake and one trailered) CD3 waterless watercraft cleaning station were purchased; we monitor use of both units through an online platform.