Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Arizona
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Arizona Project

Captive Rearing and Propagation of Critically Endangered Moapa Dace

October 2011 - December 2020


Participating Agencies

  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Moapa Dace Moapa coriacea is a critically endangered cyprinid endemic to the Warm Springs area of Clark County, Nevada. Moapa Dace were federally listed as endangered because of their limited range, low abundance (approximately 400 at lowest point), and competition with introduced species. Prior to this work, Moapa Dace had never been successfully held in captivity for any length of time, and had never been propagated in captivity. In an effort to develop a protocol for rearing and propagating Moapa Dace in captivity, 40 fish were collected in February 2013, and an additional group of 30 fish were collected in January 2014. We were able to successfully transport and rear Moapa Dace employing slow acclimation and aggressive prophylactic treatment; feeding adults with a combination of live and frozen invertebrates and commercially available pelleted foods; and providing an artificial stream environment to them. To attempt to spawn Moapa Dace, we applied 14 different treatments, including introduction of different types of cover and different sized substrates; manipulations of photoperiod, water chemistry, and temperature; and application of hormone baths and injections. Moapa Dace were successfully propagated in one treatment left ongoing for over three months. This treatment occurred in an artificial stream and incorporated 14 broodstock from the second capture period, an additional submersible pump to direct an increased velocity along gravel and cobble substrate, and a variety of substrate sizes and artificial plants. To successfully rear and captively propagate Moapa Dace, biologists should take great care with acclimating Moapa Dace, and provide an environment similar to that experienced by fish in the wild, incorporating stream conditions and minimal human disturbance. This work was prepared for a thesis, and a peer-reviewed final report was published in December 2015. Currently the Nevada Department of Wildlife is using the techniques we developed during our study to rear and spawn the only Moapa Dace population in captivity. This work was published in a thesis and a journal. Partners include the USFWS.

Research Publications Publication Date
Ruggirello, J. E., S. A. Bonar, O. G. Feuerbacher, L. Simons, and C. Powers. 2015. Spawning Ecology and Captive Husbandry of Endangered Moapa Dace. Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Research Report, Tucson. December 2015
Ruggirello, J. E., S. A. Bonar, O. G. Feuerbacher, L. H. Simons and C. Powers. 2018. Propagation of Endangered Moapa Dace. Copeia 106:652-662. December 2018
Ruggirello, J. E., S. A. Bonar, O. G. Feuerbacher and L. H. Simons. 2020. Use of underwater videography to quantify conditions utilized by endangered Moapa Dace while spawning. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:17-28. March 2020
Theses and Dissertations Publication Date
Ruggirello, Jack E. 2014. Spawning Ecology and Captive Husbandry of Endangered Moapa Dace. MS. Thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. December 2014