Maine Project
Evaluation of representative bird species Landscape Capability models
January 2015 - January 2018
Participating Agencies
- USGS-SSP Program
The Designing Sustainable Landscapes (DSL) project at the University of Massachusetts has developed models to predict the landscape's capability to support a variety of forest bird species. We are verifying and validating models for a selection of these species to determine their predictability of space use by these species in the northeastern US.
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Loman, Z.G., W.V. Deluca, D. Harrison, C.S. Loftin, B.R. Rolek, P.B. Wood. 2018. Landscape capability models as a tool to predict fine-scale forest bird occupancy and abundance. Landscape Ecology 33:77-91. Data DOI: 10.1111/jav.01779 | October 2017 |
Loman, Z.G., E.J. Blomberg, W.V. Deluca, D.J. Harrison, C.S. Loftin, and P.B. Wood. 2017. Landscape capability predicts upland game bird abundance and occurrence. Journal of Wildlife Management, 81:1110-1116. DOI:10.1002/jwmg.21265.; Data DOI: 10.1111/jav.01779 | April 2017 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Loman, Z., D. Harrison, C.S. Loftin, P.B. Wood. 2016. Evaluation of representative bird species’ Landscape Capability models developed by the Designing Sustainable Landscapes project in the 13-state, northeastern region of the United States. Annual report of project activity to the USFWS. 7 pp. | December 2016 |