Alaska Project
Landscape Characteristics Influence Climate Change Effects on Juvenile Chinook and Coho Salmon Rearing Habitat in the Kenai River
July 2013 - August 2020
Participating Agencies
Shifts in water temperature regime influence juvenile salmon freshwater rearing habitat differently depending on local temperature and food conditions, but neither are well-characterized in the Kenai River watershed. Regional stakeholders in the Kenai Peninsula are concerned about the future of salmon populations in the face of climate change. A more detailed understanding of how environmental variables influence juvenile salmon growth rates will help inform us on how these fish will fare in a changing landscape. Objectives are to (1) characterize how juvenile Chinook and coho salmon growth rates respond to projected rising water temperatures across diverse landscape settings, and (2) examine the degree to which stream temperature monitoring sites in lower reaches are representative of upstream thermal conditions. Project results will provide support to the growing consensus that diverse habitats within a watershed support diverse early-life history opportunities for juvenile salmon and underscore the regional variability of climate change influence on Pacific salmon lifecycles.
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Meyer, B, M Wipfli, D Rinella, E Schoen, J Falke. 2020. Landscape diversity filters climate change influence on juvenile Chinook and Coho salmon rearing habitat in the Kenai River. Alaska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Fairbanks, AK. | March 2020 |
Meyer, B, M Wipfli, D Rinella, E Schoen, J Falke. 2019. Climate warming effects on juvenile Chinook and Coho salmon growth are modulated by glacial-coverage in sub-basins of the Kenai River watershed. Mat-Su Salmon Symposium. Nov 2019, Palmer, AK. | November 2019 |